Last Updated: Dec 20, 2024     Views: 120

To get a DOI for data you need to deposit them in a data repository. The DOI can be used for linking to and citing the dataset, and the dataset will be discoverable in search engines. If you use the Swedish National Data Service (SND) for publishing data, the SLU Data Management Support team can reserve a DOI for you to include in your manuscript while the data submission is reviewed and finalised. You need to create a draft data description and submit the data files before we can issue a reserved DOI. We are generally able to issue a reserved DOI witihin a couple of working days after submission (may take longer in conjunction with holidays). 

The reserved DOI will not be activated until the dataset has been published. You can choose to delay publication of the dataset until the journal article has been published. In the meantime, if required, you can allow the journal/reviewers to see a preview of the dataset.

If you need assistance, don't hesitate to contact the Data Management Support team at!