Last Updated: Mar 11, 2024     Views: 134

Master's theses/students' independent projects are generally published in the Epsilon Archive for Student Projects:

Data, including audio files and interview transcripts, collected by students for their projects must be available for review by the supervisor and examiner during ongoing studies, but there is no obligation for the students to hand over data to SLU, to archive or to publish them.

An SLU researcher wishing to re-use data from student projects must obtain the students' permission for each separate purpose (for instance specific articles and proposals), unless the student has handed them over to the SLU archive or published data openly with no restrictions. Such data can be re-used with correct citation. However, if the master's thesis/independent project is being written within the framework of an ongoing SLU research project, the project manager is responsible for the collected data, which in that case must be archived at SLU and should be made openly available unless data protection or other legal aspects prohibit open publication.