Answer: Last Updated: Mar 11, 2024 Views: 167
First, select the right data management plan (DMP) template to create a DMP.
Check with your funder and organisation which DMP template to work with. The Data Management Support (DMS) unit provides an institutional DMP template that complies with the requirements from VR, FORMAS, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond as well as SLU. DMPonline, a web-based tool to create DMPs, provides DMP templates from a great number of other funders and organisations.
In a second step, log in to DMPonline.
DMPonline is a great tool to create DMPs with: you may find templates from a variety of funders and organisations, easily share your DMP with others, request and receive feedback directly from within, download it in a number of different formats, etc.
Then, it is time to actually draw up a DMP.
Go to DMS' guide on DMPonline, where you will find all the necessary information to get started.
For general advice on data management planning, consult the webpage "Plan Data Management" on DMS's website, which includes information on funder requirements.
Should you have any questions regarding DMPs in general and/or are in need of more specific help with with your DMP, please do not hesitate to contact DMS. Should you want a meeting with us to discuss your draft, DMP-related issues, or data management in general, please book a meeting using our booking service:
Webinars about writing a data management plan
We regularly offer webinars on the topic of data management plans. Go to our page Workshops and webinars for information about upcoming webinars and to access recordings of previous webinars:
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